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Reports of scientists working on covid 20 emerge

By Staff

It’s happening again.

From as far back as 2018 we were reporting on the existence of a lab working a WMD pathogen and we warned about a looming threat.

We are once again getting reports from our far east agents of very specialized equipment crossing the Tumen River from China into the Hamgyeongbuk-do administrative region (province) of North Korea (NK). The agents are hearing reports of a recently constructed lab approximately 20 miles into NK where very sophisticated medical and genomic equipment is being delivered.


There are reports of very high security with these transports with personnel in uniform not from from the local region. Dedicated guard regiments is usually associated very high budget and very very clandestine operations. Typically with direct head of state visibility.

"There is an important medically focused operation underway"

This is a big deal folks. This specific network of agents don’t light for run of the mill projects.

The report also mention of a significant crackdown on civilians with rampant arrests as a way to force people to keep their mouths shut.

"General fear makes even speculation something to avoid"

We of course do not have confirmation that this is related to an updated corona virus. It could be that China and North Korea are working on a cure for the common cold. But we follow patterns. And we have seen this pattern before.

One of the things we heard the first time around was that there was dissatisfaction in the effectiveness of the corona virus. It appears that they are working on fixing their mistakes.

Getting the information we have has been a significant achievement. We will continue to support these agents in their critical work and bring you everything we learn.
