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The End of Men and Natural Selection

By Richard Taylor

If you woke up every day and heard about how people like you are terrible, eventually you’d not only believe it but you’d hate being you.

In modern society men are often said to be the source of all problems. The reason for every single negative outcome from the environment to the economy to personal lives.

Men can and are blamed as a reflex.

Men are the ubiquitous and nefarious “they”. Not the transgender pronoun but the older, responsibility deflecting term used to absolve oneself of any accountability or responsibility.

“They” are responsible. “They” are the cause. “They” are to blame.

Like a blood stain, men now carry a shame for being.

The cacophony of angry voices shaming and belittling men has increased in the age of social media and a gross double standard enables one sided attacks to appear as justified responses.

Men are soulless and responsible for all ills.

Like a blood stain, men now bear the shame of being.

A common counter to this is that women have faced pressures and shame for not living up to the beauty standard of the day. And the claim is absolutely true. The pressure on girls these days must be incredible. Instagram is well known to be a toxic, filter driven inferiority complex inducing site for women. Though it is also true that women benefit from greater body type acceptance.

Men face very similar pressures including physical ones

The point is that men get their share of unhealthy expectations.

But men get far more than that.

Blame for every ill on earth. Name any thing going wrong on earth and there will be noise about how men are to blame.

The problem with this blame game is that it conveniently ignores the truth.

Magda Ehlers
Magda Ehlers

Alongside every man is a collection of women. Most notably a significant other who benefits from the gains from any man. Like a silent partner in a business women reap the benefits of the mans activity and yet somehow gather no responsibility from their council and actions. And foundational to this is that women are hypergamic.

Women marry up.

By selecting men with more power and wealth women create the conditions that put men in conflict with each other and nature. This is not an accusation of women. Their behaviour is instinctual and is the driving force behind human evolution. But it is not without consequence.

If women selected docile, agreeable men then docile agreeable men would abound. But women select for the opposite.

The outcome is that any blame belongs to humans. Men and women.

We got here together.

And we do everyone a disservice to shame and blame men to the extent that some hate simply being.

It is no different than shaming lgbtq for desires they did not choose to have.

Men carry the critical functional of extending human habitability. Of taming the wilderness and bringing nature under control. So that future generations of humans don’t have to worry about being prey.

u/Aoh03 - your masculinity is to be celebrated. Embrace it for the critical role it plays.

Richard Taylor