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Reminder: You're world is fake

By Seth Windsor
Özer Özmen

Conspiracy theories abound. Many wrong. Many silly. Many preposterous. But some real. All too real.

We all know that the rich and powerful play to a different set of rules than the rest of us. Laws don’t apply to them. They are unbounded.

The issue at hand is the extent to which that power permeates through the rest of the world and into our daily lives.

The answer is completely.

That power leaves no stone unturned. It permeates so deeply into the world that it bends perception around self. Like a one way mirror. Or an optical illusion. Designed to redirect your senses away from the truth.

Markus Spiske
Markus Spiske

Take the case of Jeffrey Epstein.

It’s possible he killed himself.

Just like it’s possible to toss a coin and get 100 heads in a row.

But there are just so many convenient failures. Including all necessary cameras (that’s plural) malfunctioning at the right time. A lot of people had a lot to loose if Epstein decided to talk.

Or the case of Jamal Khashoggi. Torn to pieces by the Saudi state.

Or any Russian opposition to Putin who accidentally fall out of windows.

Or flight MH370 which has yet to be found.

Or the sept 11th permission for the Saudi’s to leave that has not been accounted for.

Or Benghazi.

And on and on and on.

"The ones that attempt to change that relationship pay a price. And often the price is their lives."

These events aren’t aberrations and they are not unrelated. They are the norm and they are enabled by a small and powerful group who live in the actual world. The real world.

The rest of us live in the fabricated world. Like the matrix we are the source of energy for the real world. But we aren’t allowed to see it for what it is.

Here’s the simple proof.

Let’s take farmers. Farmers manage the ecosystem of their farm. Sheep, cows, chickens, dogs and so on. The farmer has a strong incentive to maintain order on the farm because the farm feeds the farmer. The farm makes the farmer powerful. So the farmer creates pens for the different animals thats suitable to their needs or more accurately suitable to the means of keeping their behaviour in check.

Occasionally a stray animal like a fox may attempt to get a chicken but the farmer is equipped to deal with foxes. The fox may succeed once or twice but eventually will be dead. And any farm animals that goes crazy and tries to harm the other animals will be put down. It’s in the best interest of the farm and therefore the farmer.

These animals are aware of the farmer but they don’t really understand that they are property. They have their own social structures and pecking orders and for them that is their world but they don’t understand that the movements in their own world are literally and figuratively bound within a set of constraints.

The ones that attempt to change that relationship pay a price. And often the price is their lives.

The farmers will use specialized animals like sheep dogs to keep the animals in checks. And they are made as aggressive and controlling as they need to be. If a sheep dog is too lax and can’t coral the animals … its removed and replaced with one that can. But by and large the dogs are effective. The dogs are not just a metaphor for the police. They represent the people who can disable cameras and kill a human in custody and make it look like a suicide.

Does all this sound familiar?

One of the more obvious signs is company housing. Vast swathes of land with cookie cutter houses which when complete are quickly populated by humans who then start to breed. Like sim city. How is that not a farm?

Library of Congress
Library of Congress

This is not mean to be controversial. Just reminding you of what you are. Of where you are.

You may have a nice little cottage or even do moderately well with your business … but you operate at the will and desire of the rich and powerful. And the rules that you are required to live by only apply to you and the others like you.

There are some who recognize the matrix for what it is and while unable to escape they opt out. Become homeless. Refuse to enable the farmer. We call them crazy, nut jobs, mentally ill, and worse. But are they?

Remember the Panama Papers? The extremely rare time when we get brief glance into the real world.

What did we do? Nothing. There was nothing we could do. Except keep our heads down and continue to graze.

That unsettling feeling you have that things aren’t quite right. Like Neo you are asking yourself a question.

What is your question?

Seth Windsor