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The journey from vegan to carnivore

By Margret Stewart
Dana Tentis

As a lifelong vegan (I started when I was 14), I have always believed in the ethical and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet. I have enjoyed the challenge of finding creative and nutritious meals, and I have felt proud of my commitment to a compassionate lifestyle. But after many years of being a vegan, I have found myself struggling to maintain my dietary restrictions.

I have started experienced cravings for foods that are off-limits to me, and I have begun to feel deprived. Empty, like a running faucet with no one around. Empty, like a picture frame without a picture.

Karolina Grabowska
Karolina Grabowska

You see I am getting old.

I am 45 years old now and I can tell that my body needs more that what it is getting. At first it was small things like join pain and general aches, but more recently it is my energy levels. I feel lethargic. My mind wants to go and my body just cant.

As a result, I decided to start eating meat. It has not been an easy decision, and I have grappled with feelings of guilt and shame. But ultimately, I have come to believe that there are other ways to be ethical and compassionate, and that I can still make a positive impact on the world while enjoying the occasional piece of meat.

First thing I tried was steak.

Nadin Sh
Nadin Sh

I was unsure of what to expect when I took the first bite. The first thing I noticed was an immediate explosion on my mouth. I couldn’t isolate the meat to any particular part. The taste was everywhere. The meat was juicy and tender, with a satisfyingly chewy bite. I also noticed a depth of flavor that I had never experienced before. The meat was savory and satisfying, with a slightly smoky and salty taste.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the taste. It was rich and satisfying, and it filled the emptiness I had been feeling. I found myself wanting to take another bite, and then another. The flavor was sublime and delicious, and it was unlike any memory I had of meat. It was exactly what I needed.

I do think that I will mostly be a pescatarian and only occasionally indulge in red meat. The experience was too intense to make a “regular thing”.

Nadin Sh
Nadin Sh

I recognize that many people will disagree with my decision, and that some may even judge me harshly for it. But I hope that they will understand that this has been a deeply personal and difficult choice for me, and that I have made it after much thought and consideration.

I also want to stress that I am not turning my back on my principles or my values.

I still care about animals and the environment, and I will continue to support ethical and sustainable farming practices.

Margret Stewart